Facebook, Instagram and TikTok are no longer social media platforms. Yes, it’s true. TikTok never was, and both Instagram and Facebook have followed their path in a quest for growth. Which begs the question, how are you defining social media Mary? Connecting friends & family Social media, when it first began in the mid 2000’s was indeed social. It was about connecting … [Read more...]
Great content marketing just got more valuable with Google’s recent helpful content update
Good content marketing is free - and it just got even more valuable with the latest update by Google. Google started rolling out its helpful content update the week of August 22, 2022. This post gives you the skinny on what has changed, what you should do about it, and some early observations about impact. Spoiler alert - if you've been a fan of content marketing you're … [Read more...]
10 Social Media Mistakes Travel Agents Make (and how to avoid them)
Through consulting work and speaking to individual travel agents, their host agencies, and travel associations, I have seen my share of social media mistakes travel agents make. While thankfully most agents are not guilty of the entire list, there are many businesses that could benefit from avoiding the recurring patterns I have seen emerge. Here are the top 10 social media … [Read more...]
How to save time on social media: applying the Pareto Principle & Parkinson’s Law
Let's be honest here. The best way to save time on social media is to stop doing half of the things we're currently doing there. Maybe more. This post isn't about being more efficient or learning to multi task. It's about giving yourself permission to stop doing a lot of it. We need to assess effort versus rewards. While it may be odd to hear this advice from someone in … [Read more...]
The Social Media platform extraction phase
"We have officially entered the EXTRACTION phase for social media", according to Michael Stelzner, from Social Media Examiner. It's yet to be seen if this phase of social media platforms will sunset as they parallel the oil and gas industry - driven by profits while extracting riches from users, but it's a curious visual for what's happening. Social Media Marketing World is … [Read more...]