This past week I attended the Cult Gathering marketing conference in Banff, a meeting of CEOs and marketing directors from global cult brand leaders. Cult brands don’t just have customers, they have fans and brand evangelists who do much of their marketing for them through word of mouth online and off, and through earned media and publicity. In fact, most spend very little on … [Read more...]
When mavericks and misfits make millions
I’ve always had an affinity for rule breakers. Call them mavericks or misfits, people who obey the rules selectively, push boundaries where they can get away with it, and have the self confidence to chart their own course, deserve credit for oftentimes shaking up an industry for the better. Among others playing it safe, they’re the disruptors. Regular readers will know I … [Read more...]
Media loves media
It’s been said, “media loves media”. By that I mean that often once you have received coverage in one media vehicle, you will often be called by another for a follow up story or slightly different take on a news angle. The reason behind this is simple: Reporters read and listen to each others stuff, and with increasingly squeezed editorial budgets, the repurposing of material … [Read more...]
5 Steps to gaining authority through embedded media
Embedded media is where you publish or broadcast as an author using the reach of an established platform. To the reader, you appear to be contracted by the organization to provide content either regularly as a columnist, or on occasion as a contributor. You could also be a regular commentator on a radio or TV broadcast, or you might be contacted on occasion to comment as an … [Read more...]
How to assign value to your media reach
This week I’ve been working away at another client media analysis, and it has brought up some interesting questions about how we apply value to media. Generally with traditional print and broadcast media, we assign a price value equivalent to what it would cost to purchase the space or time in the media. An accepted industry standard estimate is to then apply a multiplier of … [Read more...]