In my experience, LinkedIn is often underutilized by many people beyond just having a personal profile or company page. Participating in groups and sharing thought leader content in update posts represents a huge positioning opportunity, which can lead to sales if relationships are nurtured well. But publishing articles as native content directly on platform can take it up a … [Read more...]
Being human at scale: marketing that connects in an age of automation
Michael Stelzner, Founder & CEO, Social Media Examiner, said something at Social Media Marketing World that really resonated with me, "We need to be more human at scale." I've been thinking a lot about what that really means in practice for both individuals and brands. It comes down to marketing that connects in an age of automation. There are days when technology, social … [Read more...]
Is watching the new reading? Adapting your content for the 19:30 ratio
This week I’m looking at the 19:30 ratio. No I’m not going back to the 1930’s, although after a week like we’ve had in social media with Facebook and the ethics of personal data sharing, it’s tempting to want to just stuff the Jeannie back in the bottle and revert to a simpler time. The 19:30 ratio According to the US Department of Labor, on average we spend 19 minutes per … [Read more...]
Finding the sweet spot
Thanks to the folks who kindly shared out my “Disconnect to reconnect” getting unplugged post from last week. Who knew recommending exactly the opposite of what you are doing right now would be such a hit? I have to say for a post I rattled off quite quickly, desperately in need of a recharge myself, it was lovely to see I was not alone in my need to disconnect and … [Read more...]
Produce content that sings solo. Don’t just join the chorus
Let’s be honest. Producing regular original content is hard. You’re forced to wear many hats – creative director, writer, editor, and even project manager. And you’ve likely thought to yourself, is all the time to product content and pump it out on social media actually worth it? There’s tons of good information out there. Am I just joining the chorus with more of the … [Read more...]