The new shiny toy gets all the hype. It’s the one that gets talked about, wished for and idolized. It promises to be better, stronger and faster. It replaces those before it in the glance that it takes to rip the paper from its cover. Many shiny toys of Christmas past are still with us. Some with 50-year staying power like Barbie, never really having fallen far from favour. … [Read more...]
Archives for 2010
Will the tablet change your business?
Take one tablet daily and call your doctor if your condition doesn't improve. That's the advice we're accustomed to receiving when taking medication. But it would seem that both consumers and businesses are in a quest for help with what ails them these days, judging by the uptake of the tablet - also known as the Apple iPad, Blackberry Playbook, HP Slate and the Google Android … [Read more...]
Going viral
Do you know who was born on May 14, 2005? While they are now just 5 years old, they have in a short time changed the way we communicate and share information as global citizens. If you guessed Youtube, you are correct. Acquired by Google in 2006, Youtube quickly has become THE vehicle for sharing online video with mass audiences. It has also quickly become a major tool for … [Read more...]
The 35-divide
In 1964 a student at the University of California Berkeley named Jack Weinberg coined the immortal phrase, "Don't trust anyone over 30." When he invoked that sentiment in 1964, Mr. Weinberg was a civil rights activist frustrated by bureaucratic inaction. Yet today, curiously that line still exists, in particular with respect to technology. I call it the 35-divide. My company … [Read more...]
Marketing faces a year of major changes in 2010
5 predictions for marketing in 2010: 1. Digital will continue grow. It hardly seems to be going out on a limb to forecast that one; however, the degree to which it will take over our lives will be considerable. Marketing is a lagging indicator. Forrester Research estimates our TV viewing at 35% of entertainment time. Currently 31% of marketing budgets are spent on TV. … [Read more...]