This past week I’ve been wearing dual hats as marketing expert as well as travel blogger and writer while at conference and speaking events back in New York state and Ontario, as part of the official industry launch of my new travel blog, TBEX (North America’s Travel Blogger Expo) in Finger Lakes, NY was my first full on emersion into the world of … [Read more...]
The secret sauce to social media storytelling
Humans are born storytellers. It's in our DNA. There's something about a good story well told that is irresistible. Today, the power of storytelling has taken on new value for business, because social media has empowered the sharing and spreading of good stories. While that insight might not be new, how to do it well still eludes many brands. The key difference between … [Read more...]
The future of social media: 4 trends to watch in 2017
Predicting the future is a crap shoot at best. But the folks behind this years State of Social Media 2016 study have been at it for a while, and so far their track record has been pretty good, when viewed in hindsight. This year they surveyed 1,200 B2B and B2C businesses in the fall of 2016 for the results I’m going to note. You can get a full copy of the STATE OF SOCIAL MEDIA … [Read more...]
Choosing what NOT TO DO makes for powerful content marketing
Content marketing and social media are important, but let's face it, they can take a tremendous amount of time to produce and manage. You can't retrieve time once spent. Many of us get caught in an endless vortex of creating MORE content for MORE channels. We write a blog post here. Get some media coverage there. Post a photo to Instagram. Share some stuff on Facebook. … [Read more...]
5 Ways Trump is winning at media
Like a car crash all over the front-page news, we just can't look away. It's fascinating to examine international interest in the current US federal election. While many American's can't see it beyond their own borders, the results actually matter a lot to rest of us, given the role America has always played on the world stage. There's something about having a major shift … [Read more...]