This week, as many of you know, I ventured down to San Diego for Social Media Marketing World, arguably the largest social media conference of its kind. My brain is bursting with new content, and it is going to be a challenge to distill and frame all the bits – but that’s what I love to do! For now I have quickly pulled together a few high level observations... here are 3 … [Read more...]
The rise of social search within APPS: The benefits and the threats
There are a few trends I am keeping my eye on in 2017, and one of them is the rise of social search. “Social search” is when users search for discovery of content WITHIN the application they are in, usually on a mobile phone, rather then using a browser based internet Google search, outside any app. While the trend is not yet huge, it is growing in certain markets and with some … [Read more...]
The future of social media: 4 trends to watch in 2017
Predicting the future is a crap shoot at best. But the folks behind this years State of Social Media 2016 study have been at it for a while, and so far their track record has been pretty good, when viewed in hindsight. This year they surveyed 1,200 B2B and B2C businesses in the fall of 2016 for the results I’m going to note. You can get a full copy of the STATE OF SOCIAL MEDIA … [Read more...]
Visuals are the New Headline
Getting noticed and commanding attention with content marketing has two parts these days: headlines AND images. While headlines are absolutely critical, images are what really grab people. Images draw you in. Perhaps Andy Warhol summed it up best with the above quote. To a certain extent we've become more conditioned to "read through pictures" as we scan information, and … [Read more...]
Choosing what NOT TO DO makes for powerful content marketing
Content marketing and social media are important, but let's face it, they can take a tremendous amount of time to produce and manage. You can't retrieve time once spent. Many of us get caught in an endless vortex of creating MORE content for MORE channels. We write a blog post here. Get some media coverage there. Post a photo to Instagram. Share some stuff on Facebook. … [Read more...]