In an era where customers now control 2/3 of the messages about our brand or company – through reviews, word of mouth, customer created content and social media, it is critical to view customer interaction and the opportunity to delight as a major part of marketing. This week I took a deep dive into this concept with JD - the guy who puts a smile on everyone's face each morning … [Read more...]
Archives for 2019
Customer service as marketing
This week I’ve been preparing material for a couple upcoming workshops and client presentations about customer service as marketing. In an era where 2/3 of marketing is now in the hands of consumers - through reviews, word of mouth (both online and off), customer created content and social media, seeing customer service as part of marketing is critical. In fact, it’s no … [Read more...]
10 video tips for success: what NOT to do
This week we're looking at tips for video success based on what I’ve seen work out there, what I’ve observed myself with efforts so far, and an informal survey of what is shockingly bad - that stuff we want to avoid. So, like a car crash that we can’t glance away from, let’s cover the stuff that we DON’T want to do. I’ve compiled this list based on input I’ve canvased from … [Read more...]
80% of content consumed online will be video by 2020 – are you ready for it?
I’ll freely admit I’m a WORD and WRITING person. That love is what has led to a weekly commitment to share weekly tips here on this blog since 2008 and through my Sunday morning Five-Minute Marketing Tips e-newsletter. I also love to speak, so you would think that video would be natural. But I'll admit to being plagued by challenges that likely sound familiar to you … [Read more...]
Subscription membership disruption
This past week I shared an article out on my social channels from Forbes Magazine written by Shep Hyken, a friend of mine, about Burger King’s disruptive approach to selling coffee in the US through a monthly subscription. Essentially by signing up through their APP at $5/month auto billed, “members” are entitled to coffee daily. Of course, as I noted, subscription-based … [Read more...]