
Most popular blog posts from 2016

I thought it would be fun to take a look at my top 6 most popular blog posts from 2016 to understand what gets people fired up to like, comment or share content online. A few themes emerged that could benefit us all moving forward into 2017. This list involved using some high tech ranking sites and low tech observations from email exchanges, comments, likes and shares on other online platforms as well as offline engagement.

Five themes emerged:

  • Have a contrarian view: stir controversy with a headline, image, or content
  • Generate earned media: get print and broadcast media to share on their channels and through social media.
  • Tap channels with huge reach: tag and generate discussion where lots of people are interacting online.
  • Share trends: be an online thought leader in an area of expertise.
  • Generate lists and “how to” tips: know your audience and be helpful.



#1. How to manage negative publicity: 5 Lessons from Coors Light #BraveTheCold out-of-bounds skiing campaign.

molson-out-of-bounds-adThis post looked at lesson learned by Coors after they blatantly encouraged out of bounds skiing in a beer commercial. It’s the story how their online social media efforts backfired initially, how they recovered, and what the rest of us can learn from it. The spot also attracted local, national and international media attention and for me, quotes and interviews in the North Shore News and Outside Magazine in the US. (Posted: March 25, 2016)

#2. Content marketing and the REACH factor. Nothing like making your living speaking, writing and teaching about marketing, and then being delivered an important marketing lesson over the breakfast table by your teenage son.

PeopleAreAwesome_FBpostThis post looked at the lessons learned when my son’s insane longboard skate video down Lookout Mountain in Colorado was shared on the “People are Awesome” channel, and became a viral sensation literally in the time I was making coffee. I share lessons in the post about how to go viral with video, but as you may have gathered by the title, it’s ultimately all about the reach of various online channels. (Posted: May 9, 2016)

#3. Five ways Trump is winning at media. There is no denying that Donald Trump was a huge media figure in 2016 with his run for president of the US. Love him or hate him, he knew how to leverage media, and social media in particular. This post looked at what the rest of us could learn from that. (Posted: Oct 8, 2016)

#4. How to leverage embedded and earned media.  My Trump winning at media post was the lead up to what ultimately became my MOST controversial article, when I predicted a Trump win a week ahead of the election. In it I called out the media, and social media in particular as channels that were helping perpetuate our existing beliefs, while hiding an undercurrent of unregistered anger.

mary_charleson_cbc_the180promo-the180-smThis post also became an article on the front page of the Huffington Post Nov 2nd,  then earning me a national CBC radio interview with Jim Brown on The 180 Nov 10th

#5. Riding the second wave: 6 secrets to making video go viral. Let’s face it, video was hot in 2016. And in 2017 it will get even hotter, as I predict that Facebook Live will become a paid feature (at least for Facebook Pages and business accounts). But until then, using live, or any form of video, is a great way to stand out and have your message shared – the ultimate secret to generating reach.

ride_waveThis post gave you the secret sauce to go viral…(Posted: Sept 11, 2016)





#6. Content marketing: A strategic slow boil to sales success. Content marketing online can be strategically successful, but it is not a quick fix. Venture into this post ONLY if you are prepared to invest the resources and patience to make it work.

Content-MarketingBut once content marketing it kicks in, it will fuel search, reach and ultimately trust and reputation. And those factors will build your business. (Posted: Mar 15, 2016)



Thank you to all who have taken the time to respond to my survey on business frustrations and challenges from 2016. For those who may not have already completed the survey, would you do me a favour and complete it now? It takes two minutes (could even be less depending on how you answer) to complete this two-question survey? I will leave the responses open until Jan 8, 2017. I’m simply looking for feedback on your business frustrations and challenges so I can serve you better in the coming year. Seriously – it won’t take long, and just respond with what instinctively comes to mind first on both questions. Here’s the link.

Thanks also to those who nominated me for the 8th Annual Top 10 Social Media Blog contest hosted by Social Media Examiner. If haven’t already voted and would like to do so, here is THE LINK. You simply name a blog and URL in the comments section and why you think it is worthy. Nominations must be received by Jan 1st, 2017 so act fast!

As always, thanks to those who share my content or suggest to others they subscribe. Until next week…

Let’s make 2017 the best year yet!



Mary Charleson

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