You live or die by your database. Someone way smarter then me once said this, and it has stuck with me over the years. We all know that making connections count. It's how business gets done. The bigger your circle of connections, generally the bigger your circle of influence, and by default the bigger your potential circle of sales and success. In business nothing happens … [Read more...]
Archives for May 2015
5 Public relations tips to get more INK and AIR
Getting ink and getting air is the ultimate goal in the "earned media" game of public relations and publicity. Whether it be print media such as newspapers and magazines, or broadcast media such as radio or TV, getting noticed, talked or written about in traditional media can go a long way in forging greater awareness of your business, brand or ideas. In an era where it … [Read more...]
Are you ready for mobile search friendly site rankings?
On April 21st Google brought into play potentially sweeping changes that could affect your business, and search engine optimization in particular. The most notable change is the plan to favourably rank sites that are mobile responsive. This is huge folks. We have seen over the last couple year's steady growth in the use of mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets. … [Read more...]