Seems many marketers are in search of the epic viral hit these days. “Make a video and make it go viral,” they say. Seems simple on the surface. Heck, if a cat spinning from a ceiling fan or a chemist blending things that aught not to be blended can garner millions of hits, how hard can it be? Yet the secret sauce eludes for most. The whole question of what makes … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2013
Could the secret to increasing sales actually be about selectively sharing secrets & limiting access?
Psst! I’ve got some secrets to share. We're going to explore the idea of secrecy and limiting access as a marketing ploy to increase demand and sales. “Please don’t tell,” or PDT to regulars, is a secret cocktail bar in New York City. While it’s a lot less hidden these days due to the “secret” word getting out, the concept is unique and certainly word of mouth worthy. … [Read more...]
Dollar Shave Club’s Irreverent F***ING Great ad
It’s officially “Movember” and the start of that month when strange outcroppings pop up on the upper lip of males, all for a good cause – raising awareness for cancer research. It can be a tough road for some follicle challenged guys, and even tougher for the partners of those blessed with abundant facial growth abilities. The only thing for certain is the likelihood … [Read more...]