Hello my name is Scott. Well not really, but that’s what Scott Ginsberg would say upon making your acquaintance. Scott has made a name for himself, by wearing a name tag, literally every day for the last 5 years. Initially it was a social experiment by a somewhat socially awkward, but fearlessly challenging youth. Then it became a social network, a type of analogue friend request, as strangers introduced themselves and conversations were struck. Then it became permission to market himself and his ideas. It evolved into his statement. Now it has made him memorable. In fact, so memorable he has permanently tattooed it on his chest. Scott is Scott’s brand.
His take on all this? “If you don’t make a name for yourself, someone else will.” He further challenges, “ What do people think when they hear your name? What are you known for? What do you stand for?”
What is your brand? Wow. There’s a question to ponder.
That’s exactly the question I plan to ask a group of students who will be gathering for the MiniEnterprize Youth Entrepreneurship Conference, hosted by UBC’s Sauder School of Business, November 24, 2012. http://www.minienterprize.org/
While I will be speaking at a workshop on marketing, specifically: 5-Minute Marketing – Savvy advice for small business in an accelerated world, at the heart will be questions around business and personal branding and identity.
Workshop links: http://www.minienterprize.org/speakers-coorperations/
There is much talk about the inability of youth to “launch” and gain meaningful careers, often saddled with debt and poor job entry prospects these days. Much has been written recently of our antiquated post secondary education systems, slow to adapt, that aren’t educating leaders of tomorrow, but rather cultivating debt for today. I believe this is an incredibly rich time of opportunity for those motivated to either launch their own business, or those who recognize the power of personal branding. Never before has there been a generation with so much online influence and potential to build a personal brand. Whether you want to market a business, market your ideas, or market yourself. You need to understand branding and promotion.
I’m not suggesting that we all need to go out and wear a name tag. That’s been done. (Check out more on Scott here: http://www.hellomynameisscott.com/) I am however suggesting that personal branding, identity and creative promotion is the marketing edge to separate you from the pack. Do you agree? What have you done to personally brand yourself, your ideas or the business venture you’d like to launch? I’d love to hear about it.