On Friday February 21, 2020 Small Business BC hosted their annual awards at the Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre. The event is a bit like the Academy Awards for Small Business in my province. Held at a stunning downtown venue framed by city lights and a harbor/mountain view backdrop, there were over 500 business leaders in attendance from all across the province. Many … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2020
Social Media Platforms of Opportunity in 2020
Although major social media channels dominate various segments (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat), the landscape is constantly shifting. New platforms emerge, some grow, some shrink, and others add features which change competitive dynamics. But even as "pay to play" becomes more dominant, there are still platforms of opportunity in 2020. In … [Read more...]
Being More Human in Our Marketing in 2020
Being more human in our marketing requires work and creativity. It also begs for time and patience to achieve results, and can be difficult to scale. If that sounds like a step backwards, or counter intuitive to all the tech related capabilities that marketing offers right now, you need to be patient and consider your customer's environment. In actual fact "being more human" … [Read more...]
AI will have huge impact on marketing in 2020
Let’s face it, AI is a confusing space with lots of buzzwords. AI stands for “artificial intelligence”. At the heart of it, AI uses machine learning to make predictions about future outcomes based on historical data. Machine learning gets smarter as new data becomes available. It’s why Google can re-route you due to traffic or construction, with the objective to getting to a … [Read more...]