Do you sometimes reach the end of the day, frazzled at all the bits of information and content you’ve been consuming? From laughing at a hapless skier take daily crashes full send on Jerry of the Day to The Daily SKIMM for an entertaining update of quick read headlines and news, to industry newsletters, and shared content from select leaders I follow, it can be hard to keep up. Add to that the posts, shares, likes, and comments from family, friends and clients in a daily feed, it can feel like a snackable content binge, constantly chasing new shiny objects.
Such is the world of smart phones, laptops and social media. Sometimes you just need to stop. Step back. And breathe.
Yes, the world sometimes feels just too fast when we snack. So why then, would you take my advice to continue to shovel content out into that mess? Surely that just adds to it you’re thinking?
On some level, yes it does. It’s one of the reasons I found myself recently advising a client, “If you don’t have anything of value to put out to your audience, don’t do anything. They will appreciate it when you do.” He was feeling stressed about his online marketing, the time involved, and the pressure of keeping up with it all. I get it. Sharing only when you have something of value works to a point, as long as there is some consistency to your plan. Over the long term I think consistency wins out, but not if it is mindless drivel, reposts or scheduled content simply to fill the fire hose.
Original content of value, shared with consistency. That’s the key to content marketing.
Before you post, ask these 3 questions:
- Will it be entertaining to my target audience? (Will it make them laugh or draw on an emotion that you want connected to your brand)
- Will it be useful and informative to my target audience? (Is there a tip, a strategy, a 3-step plan, etc to help address a common problem faced by your target audience?
- Will it make those that read it, watch it, or listen to it look smart, funny or connected to an inner circle if they were to share it out on their channels?
If the answer is NO, don’t post. Then over the next week either create something, or be on the watch for great stuff that you can “curate” and share with your own personal spin, that does qualify under those questions.
Share it on your OWNED platforms (website, blog or newsletter) if your created it, and then share it out on your selected social channels (RENTED platforms) for engagement and to drive back to your owned channels. If you curated the content with a viewpoint, share it out on those social channels, looking for an opportunity in your comments to drive them back to something else you have done related to your own spin on the topic.
That’s how you put the magic of content marketing to work.
If you want to download my Marketing Cheat Sheet “5 Steps to Grow Your Audience” link HERE.
If you haven’t already responded to my SUPER SHORT survey, please do. It will take you less then a minute and it will help me shape useful content for my readers into 2018.
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