
What is your flag? Who do you serve, how do you do it, and why?

A flag is a symbol. It’s a highly recognizable label of a country or an organizations brand. As such, that brand reflects the values, beliefs and character of the nation or the group. As a Canadian I fly the red and white maple leaf. These days it has come to represent freedom, compassion and inclusiveness. That give me pride because it aligns with my values.


But how would you define your PERSONAL flag?

Your personal flag summarizes what you stand for, your ideals and why others should gather around you. Really it comes down to responding to three simple questions:

Who do you serve?
How do you help?
Why do you do it?

This week, I invite you to take 10 minutes and make some notes. Try to answer these three questions in a tight, and quantifiable manner. To get things rolling, here is how I define my purpose and my flag.

  • I serve entrepreneurs, marketing managers, students and anyone who wants to market their business or ideas.
  • I speak, write and consult, but ultimately teach and inspire.
  • I help you connect what you do well with an audience that cares. It’s about helping you sell your products, services or ideas.
  • I do it through teaching, consulting, speaking and writing.
  • I share, so others can be successful. That’s what gets me up in the morning.

But I’d like to also add a fourth question for you to consider…

  • Is what is on my “to do list” today advancing those goals? I’d like to suggest that if it’s not, get it off your list!

I have to admit, this is one I struggle with daily, but being crystal clear on my flag and purpose certainly does help keep the meaningful stuff in focus.

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Mary Charleson

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