If you’re like me, you likely have stacks of business cards you’ve collected at various networking events, sitting on or in your desk. While they serve at the time as trophy proof that you made some connections at an event or meeting, the contents usually end up in an electronic database of some sort, for easy retrieval later and follow up. In fact I’ve encountered a couple times recently where folks don’t take cards anymore, simply preferring to snap a photo for their paperless system. But in a sea of mediocrity, and with so many shifts to digital, the common business card is being neglected by many as an opportunity to stand out and sell.
So what if your card tied uniquely to your business beyond just the logo, image or words? What if it was so creative, that it became instantly memorable ahead of competitors? What if it stopped people in their tracks and begged for a conversation?
This week I profile three Vancouver companies with creative business cards that do all of those things.
Flow Yoga:
I love this one for Flow Yoga. Turning their business card into a rolled yoga mat is a brilliant way to show what they do. Printed on spongy material like an exercise mat, the design demonstrates creativity and stylish flare, very much in keeping with their downtown yoga and wellness center feel. www.flowyogavancouver.com The card is interactive, in that it begs to be unrolled, and it would most certainly spark a conversation about the company.
Yaletown Plumbing:
And how about this one for Yaletown Plumbing? The plunger may well be the first responder tool for many plumbing malfunctions, so it has become an identifiable icon for the profession. Why then have a card, when you could have a cute as a button mini plunger? The logo, phone number and website is all the information really needed, and it fits perfectly in a memorable way on the plunger. Printed on mass, they were an affordable giveaway. And while they may not fit well in a wallet or cardholder they would definitely become a conversation piece. I somehow envision the card plunged and stuck to the toilet or some other bathroom or kitchen surface once he’s done as a calling card! A quick visit to their website indicates a modern approach, promising fast, affordable, clean and reliable plumbing services, with a retro feel. www.yaletownplumbing.com You somehow sense immediately that this will not be your iconic butt crack plumber in a shabby old truck, arriving late and over billing you. This is going to be a business connected with technology, creative, and very service oriented.
BC Adventure:
An edible business card printed with vegetable inks on a piece of beef jerky? Admittedly it’s not your average business card, but it makes perfect sense for a wilderness survival training company specializing in adventure holidays. Nothing like a piece of flavoured dried beef to hold you over out in the wild! This card speaks volumes about what they do beyond the copy and website link.
All three of these cards would spark a conversation. That’s what makes them so unique and memorable. They are sales pieces in their own right. While you may think of your business card as a simple piece to convey contact information, there is so much potential if executed in a creative way.
I’d love to know about unique cards you have seen, or perhaps have as your own, and why they are conversation starters. Until next week, be creative and spark a conversation!