The “Maple Moose” flavour begged to be selected from the shelf of chips, if for no other reason than the name, and the promise of a great photo-op, along with a Molson Canadian beer in hand, for my visiting American relatives at the cottage. Maple Moose was one of four finalists in Lay’s Canada’s “Do Us a Flavour” chip naming contest. While there were over 600,000 … [Read more...]
Archives for August 2013
Duct Tape Surfing: Authentic storytelling that begs to be shared
A friend from Australia posted a video link to my Facebook page recently entitled “Duct Tape surfing.” The sheer title begged it to be viewed and shared. But add in the fact that it featured a 50 year old paraplegic women who learns to surf attached to back of a thrill seeking 20-something young man and the interest level ratcheted up even more. Quite simply it is an … [Read more...]
The 8-pack long weekend promo
The recently promoted Molson Canadian 8-pack packaging is clearly a BC long weekend up sell. Or is it? Without a 6-pack in sight (likely strategically removed), I had no option but to buy 8 if I wanted something less than 12. Initially I was a little put off, suspecting it was a clever ploy to get consumers to actually buy more, and by default increase their net profit. But … [Read more...]